Course Registration

Course Registration

Registering your course on the student app is very easy.

Step 1: Login to your student’s portal 

Step 2: Click on “Courses” which will take you to the course registration page.Step 3: To register for First Semester, select the “1st Semester” tab from the top of the screen. 

Step 4: Select the Core Courses to register then scroll down to select Elective Courses to register.

Step 5: Click on the “Select courses” button under the Elective Courses section a pop-up window will appear to select elective courses to register.

After finishing selecting the elective courses, click on the “Done” button which will show you the elective courses you selected.

Step 6: Click on the “Register” button a confirmation modal will appear, click on the “Confirm” button to register and you will get a success message course register successfully.

To register for the Second Semester, select the “2nd Semester” tab from the top of the screen and repeat steps as described above.

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