This feature is used to Add/Drop (Register and Unregister) Courses for a student. It is found by default under the Department Exams Officer or Fs Admin.
a. Search/Locate Add/Drop Courses as shown below.
b. Select/Search for a student as shown below;
c. Select the semester to view Courses Registered by the student and other courses that can be registered to the student.
d. Select the desired course to be dropped and click 'Drop Selected Course' as shown below
e. Click 'Drop Selected' as mentioned above.
f. Click 'Ok' to drop as shown below
NB: Scores saved for that course will be lost.
How To Register A Course.
a. Scroll down to view the courses to be registered based on the selected semester and level as shown below.
b. Click on the course you want to register.
c. click "add selecte course".