How to Configure Admission Number Format

How to Configure Admission Number Format

Welcome to the guide on configuring the admission number format in the SRMS. This feature allows you to customize the format of the admission numbers assigned to new students automatically during the registration process.

The admission number format has been categorized into three (3)
  1. University Configuration
  2. Level Configuration
  3. Subprogram Configuration

Configuring the Admission Number Format for the Entire Institution
Follow these steps to configure the admission number format for your school:
  1. Log in to your account.
  2. From the menu, click on "Config Admission No. Format".
  3. Under the University Configuration tab, click the "Add" button. A window will appear.
  4. Select the item (PREFIX, FACULTY, DEPARTMENT, PROGRAM, SESSION, or SERIAL_NO) that you want the admission number format to start with.
  5. Choose the position for the item you selected in step 4.
  6. Type in the default value in the format textbox.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you reach the last position in the admission number you want to configure.
  8. By default, the "SERIAL_NO" generation is for the entire institution (each student in the institution has the same serial number in their admission number). You can also configure the serial number generation for the Faculty Level or Sub-Program:
    • To configure for Sub-Program, tick the checkbox.
    • To configure for Faculty Level, tick the checkbox.
  9. Click the "Save" button to complete the configuration process.
Congratulations, you have successfully configured the admission number format for your school!

Troubleshooting: If you encounter any issues while configuring the admission number format, try the following steps:
  • Double-check that you have followed all of the steps correctly.
  • Contact the customer support team for assistance if the issue persists.

We hope this guide was helpful in configuring the admission number format for your school.

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