The Configure Fees feature is found under the Bursary role. It enables the user Add, Delete and Update existing payments.
Before using this feature to configure fees, one must have created the fee item first, found here.
How To Locate Configure Fees
1. Locate or search and click 'Configure Fees'.
2. Click on 'Configure Fees' a window will be displayed as shown below.
3. Input Session, department, sub-program, level.
The configure fees window has five(5) features namely: Add, Delete, Update, Print Payment Details and Import Configuration(s).
a. Add: This allows for the addition of a new fee type.
Click on 'Add' feature to get the Pop-Up, then fill in the necessary fields.
i. School Fees: Is a drop-down of the fee item already created.
ii. Program: Is the sub-program you are configuring the fees for.
iii. Level: You will need to also select the level you are configuring for from here.
Click 'Save' after all required fields have been filled to add a new configuration. A Pop-up message will appear.
b. Delete: This allows specific configurations to be deleted.
I. Select an existing configuration and click 'Delete'.
c. Update: This allows changes to be made to configurations
I. Select a configuration and click 'Update'
A Pop-Up window will appear which allows you to update the selected configuration.
Click 'Update' a Pop-up will appear.
d. Print Payment Details
i. Click on the 'Print Payment Details' to download a PDF copy of the payment details.
e. Import Configuration(s)
i. Click on 'Import configuration(s)' to import configurations from a previous session.
ii. A Pop-up will appear.
Configurations can be imported in a few easy steps;
a. Click on Select Session to get a drop-down list, select the session to be used.
b. Click on Sub-Program to get a drop-down list, select the Sub-Program to be used.
c. Click on Level to get a drop-down list, select the Level to be used.
d. Clicking on the topmost box allows the selection of all configuration in the indicated session, clicking the other boxes allow for the selection of specific configuration.
e. Click on Import to import the selected configurations.
NOTE: Import Configuration(s) allow both specific configuration and all configurations to be imported to a specific session.