How To Configure Sub-Program

How To Configure Sub-Program

The Sub-Program Configuration feature is found under the MIS Coordinator role.

Follow these steps to learn;

1.   How to manage/configure sub-program.

a.  Locate and click 'Sub-Program Config'

 b.  Click 'Select Faculty' to select the desired faculty whose sub-program you want to configure. A drop-down list of all departments under the faculty will be displayed as shown below.

c.   Select the 'Sub-program you wish to configure. 

d.  Click 'Sub Program Config' and fill in the necessary details. Click 'Save'

d.  Click  Sub Program by level to choose the level you want to configure its Sub-program. A drop-down list of all levels will be displayed. Select the desired level.

e.  Click 'Save Level Configuration'

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