How to Create and Manage a Departmental Meeting

How to Create and Manage a Departmental Meeting

Click "New Meeting"

Type the title of the meeting e.g: "Departmental meeting" 

You can write a brief description of the meeting

Select the meeting type whether "Regular" or "Special" 

Click "Attach File" to attach a drafted agenda for the meeting.

Click the "time" field. to add the scheduled date and time of the meeting 

Tpye the venue where the meeting will be held. E.g: "HOD's Office"

Select the group/unit of participants 

Click "Create Meetings"

10 The meeting is created and shown in the list of "Upcoming meetings" 

11 To edit or start the meeting, click the meeting item and click on "Edit Meeting" or "Start Meeting" as the case may be.

12 In case of editing a meeting, review the details and click "Update Meetings"

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