How To Manage Exam Officers

How To Manage Exam Officers

The Manage Exam Officers feature is found under the Head of Department (HOD) role. It enables HOD to assign the role of an exam officer to a lecturer and also to remove a lecturer as an exam officer.

 The following steps will teach you on How to Manage Exam Officers

1. Locate and click 'Manage Exam Officers'

2. A window will be displayed as shown below. The list of lecturers in your department will be displayed on the right side of the screen. On the left side of the screen, you have the current semester automatically selected on the 'Select Semester' drop-down list.

The manage exam officer feature consists of two roles:

a. Assign DEO ( To assign a lecturer the exam officer role)

b. Remove DEO ( To remove an assigned exam officer)

How to Assign DEO on SRMS

a. Select the desired lecturer from the list of lecturers displayed on the left side of the screen. You can search for a particular lecturer using the search box either by Name or Staff ID.

b. The semester is set for the current semester. In a case where you want to select a different semester, click on the 'Select Semester' drop-down list on the right side of the screen to select your desired semester.

c: Click 'Assign DEO' to make the selected lecturer an exam officer.

  How to Remove DEO on SRMS

Note: When DEO is already assigned for your department, the system won't allow you to assign another lecturer as an exam officer. To remove the current DEO and assign another DEO, please use the Remove DEO feature.

Steps on how to remove DEO

a. Click on the currently assigned exam officer as shown below.

b. Click 'Remove DEO'to remove the assigned DEO.

c. Click 'ok' to remove the assigned DEO as shown below

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