This privilege gives the user the ability to create, edit and delete rooms in a block if need be. Rooms can only be created as long as there is an existing block. The description of the room can be either the room number or the name of the block the room is located in. There are four buttons that can be found in the room configuration privilege namely: Add, Delete, Update, and Generate Bed Spaces.
Room No: The user must assign a room number to the room.
Block Type: Indicates the gender to be allocated to the room e.g Male/Female.
Block: A room must be created in a block, this shows the user a list of already existing blocks to assign the room to.
Status: When the status box is checked it means that the room is available for allocation, when the box is unchecked the room will no longer be available.
To locate the Room Configuration privilege, type 'Room Configuration' into the search box and press enter or it can be found under the MIS Coordinator/Student Affairs Officer role.
How to add a room
a: Click on 'Add'
b: Enter the necessary values
c: Click 'Save', a pop-up will appear as shown below.
How to delete a room
The delete button allows the user to remove rooms from and existing block.
a: Select a block to delete
b: Click on Delete.
c: Click on OK.
NOTE: In order to proper delete a room the user must ensure that all bed-spaces under the room have been deleted (How to manage bed-space configuration)
How to update a room
To update a room, select the room you want to update and click on the update button, notice that the values are the same as when you are using the Add button, the only difference is that you can only edit values for Description and Status.
a: Select a room.
b: Click 'Update'.
c: Enter the value in the description box
d: Click 'Save'.
How to Generate Bed Spaces: This button allows the user to create a certain amount of bed spaces in a specific room, this process automates the creation of rooms.
a: Select the room you wish to create bed spaces in.
b: Click 'Generate Bed spaces'
c: A pop-up box will appear.
d: Click 'Generate Bed spaces' to automatically generate bed spaces in the selected room.
Once the room has been created the user can now proceed to create bed-spaces (How to manage bed-space configuration)