How To Manage School Fees Items

How To Manage School Fees Items

The Manage School Fees Item feature is found under the Bursary Section. This privilege allows the user to add new items, delete existing ones and also update existing items.

 How To Locate 'Manage School Fees Items'.

1. Log into your account and locate or search the 'Manage Fee Items' as shown below;
2. Click 'Manage Fee Items' a window will be displayed as shown below.
3. There are three(3) buttons on the 'Manage Fee Items' page.

a. Add

b. Delete

c. Update

a. To Add: Click 'Add' to get the Pop-up, then fill in the necessary fields.

i. The Item name is the name of the item you wish to add (e.g School fees, Lab fees, etc). The Description is the name that will appear on the student receipt, it can be the same with Item Name.

ii. This category is a drop-down of a list of the type of student (i.e, Returning or New). 

NOTE: Please be careful when selecting the right category. Selecting the wrong category will lead to wrong configuration and erroneous payment.

Click 'Save' after all required fields have been filled to add a new configuration. A Pop-up message will appear.

 b. Delete: Select an existing configured fee item and click 'Delete'.

A Pop-up message will appear.

 c. Update: Select a configured fee item and click 'Update' to get the Pop-up, then fill in the necessary fields.
Click 'Update' after all required fields have been filled to update a new fee. A Pop-up message will appear.

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